Eviction* Roadies Revolution: Is there Double elimination today?

Eviction* Roadies Revolution: Is there Double elimination today?

Mtv Roadies Revolution double elimination: It’s been a quite a buzz among the viewers when they heard there will be double eviction this week. Well, its not confirmed officially that there will double vote out this week but as per our sources there will be normal elimination that is single elimination this week.

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It’s kind of fake news that there will two contestants who will go home this week. There is no confirmation about contestants too, as per social media posts Kakoli and Sapna Malik will be eliminated from the show its fake news too.

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Eviction* Roadies Revolution: Is there Double elimination today?
Eviction* Roadies Revolution: Is there Double elimination today?

Who got immunity today?

In reality in today’s episode after the EDM task Nikhil team – Arushi Chawla, Abhimanyu Singh, Srishti Sudhera, Kevin Almasafir, and Michael Ajay got immunity as they are the winner.

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