Roadies Revolution Semi-finale of Hadippa Games| Pratibha Vs Srishti|Srishti is winner

Hadippa Games was very exciting and filled with 4 stages where contestants skills, strength, mental power, stability was checked and the onw who was deserving won the hadippa games and got immunity for their team. In the Semi-Finale of the Mtv Roadies Revolution the task between Pratibha kaul and Srishti Sudhera was very exciting to watch. Mtv Roadies Revolution episodes watch online and get all the episodes written telly updates right from here.

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Roadies Revolution Semi-finale of Hadippa Games| Pratibha Vs Srishti|Srishti is winner
Srishti is winner,Pratibha vs srishti, srishti sudhera is a winner Semi Finale of roadies

In the semi-finale of the mtv roadies revolution Hadippa games Srishti and Pratibha had to stand in the ring and they were in the task to blast ballon of each other by using their pony tail. Most of them were hooting for the Pratibha Kaul as she said that she is the Jijutsu player so most of them thought that she has more strenght then Srishti Sudhera.

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The result of the Semi Finale was shocking as Srishti (Prince Narula) won the task against Pratibha (Neha Dhupia gang). Srishti Sudhera is indeed very strong and promising contestant of the mtv roadies revolution 2020.