Sanjay Vs Arushi| Mtv Roadies Revolution 4th December 2020 Episode 30

Mtv Roadies Revolution episode 30 of 4th December 2020 watch online, written updates, download hd, check live updates and you can also watch it on voot, mx player, dailymotion, etc. In the today’s episode of the mtv roadies revolution the task is going to be between Arushi Chawla and Sanjay Negi. Who is going to win or lose in the today’s task of the roadies revolution 04.12.2020 and who is going to be eliminated from the roadies revolution today. When this task started between Sanjay Negi and Arushi Chawla, both gang’s leader has to perform the task so in this the task of the mtv roadies revolution of 4th December tonight.

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roadies revolution episode 30,roadies revolution 4th December,Who will win Arushi or Sanjay
roadies revolution episode 30,roadies revolution 4th December,Who will win Arushi or Sanjay

Varun Sood the gang leader of Sanjay Negi is going to perform a task against Arushi Chawla’s gang leader Nikhil Chinapa, well this week the task is going to be very interesting as here gang leaders are going to perform the roadies task. It will be very interesting to see Varun Sood’s performance against Nikhil Chinapa. At the end of the task, Nikhil Chinapa lost the task against Varun Sood. Everyone thought that Arushi Chawla is going home today from the show but she was lucky to have Nikhil Chinapa as the gangleader as he saved her from eviction sacrificing his one star.

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Arushi Chawla got a second chance to stay in the show which was not given to kevin almasafir, Nikhil Chinapa sacrificed his one star to save her from the elimination this week. For the more updates related to the mtv roadies revolution stay connected.